There could be many reasons why you are currently in this position;
Does the above sound familiar? It does, doesn’t it… So, how do you BREAK THE RUT?????
Start a new week on Monday. Rest, eat food you have been craving and catch up on things that have been stressing you out. For example, spend more time at work, complete a task taking up your time and energy or see more of the family.
Whether the goal is to lose weight, increase fitness, eat healthier or all of the above. The goal doesn’t have to be huge, set the goal realistic and achievable. Accomplishing a small and relatively easy goal will do a lot for your inner motivation. For example, eat no fast food this week, or have a healthy breakfast every day this week.
Exercise outdoors, go to a different gym, try something you haven’t done before like a new class at the gym or workout routine. A change is as good as a holiday and change can also bring a new-found enthusiasm – you might also find something else you like doing.
Accountability is an amazing thing. We often get caught up in habit, and we may think we are doing more than what we are doing, or doing too much of in regard to eating the wrong things too often. By writing everything down we get a true and accurate idea of where we can improve and usually the changes are able to be made easily. Be aware of how much water you drink by being as little as 5% dehydrated will impact energy and motivation levels during the day.
Everything is better with a friend. Drag your friend to the gym and make it something you do together. It doesn’t have to be your BFF it can be a work colleague as you have the same finishing times, a brother or sister even your partner. As well as having someone to exercise with you both can motivate each other and have someone to hold you accountable to exercising. No more excuses.
Written By Guest Writer: James Sadek Australian Bodybuilding champion and Personal Trainer